Local school children create masterpieces as part of the Cooper Gallery Picasso exhibition
13th February 2017
Children from Cawthorne school will be one of the first groups to take part in a specifically developed activity at the Cooper Gallery, which has been inspired by their current exhibition, Picasso Linocuts.
On Wednesday, 15 February, the children aged between nine and ten will work with an artist to create their very own linocut prints. Their work will be inspired by Pablo Picasso’s masterpieces that currently adorn the walls of the recently transformed Gallery.
Before creating their artwork they will be given a guided tour around the exhibition where they will discover more about the artist, his work and the techniques he used.
The session, which is a time limited offer, has been developed by the Barnsley Museums learning team to help school children engage with the artwork and learn new skills.
Cllr Roy Miller, Cabinet Spokesperson for Place, said: “We have been overwhelmed by the success of the Picasso exhibition and the positive feedback from those who have visited. Over 3,300 people came to see the stunning artwork in its first week of opening. Now with the school sessions that have been expertly developed by the Barnsley Museums Learning Team, children will be able to come to the gallery and have a unique opportunity to take a closer look at a Picasso masterpiece. During the activity they will not only acquire a new skill but find out more about modern art.”
To book a session contact learning@barnsley.gov.uk
For more information about the exhibition which is on display until April visit www.cooper-gallery.com