Be part of Barnsley’s sound and vision
14th December 2016
As part of ‘The Joy of Sound and Vision’ project, Barnsley Archives are looking for any footage or recordings relating to the borough or people from Barnsley that may be tucked away.
People who would like to get involved can call into the Learning Lab at Experience Barnsley, in the town hall, between 10am and 4pm on Wednesday, 5 October. Here they can bring in any films or tapes they think maybe of interest. Footage could be in a variety of formats including cine, reel to reel, VHS, or cassette tapes. Items can be copied and returned to the owner.
The drop in session is also a great opportunity to find out more about the exciting project. Funded by the Heritage Lottery Fund (HLF), that will make the sound and film collections held by Barnsley Archives and Local Studies fully accessible. Thanks to National Lottery players, these collections, many of which were donated during the creation of the Experience Barnsley Museum between 2010 and 2013, will be converted, catalogued, interpreted and shared with the public, community groups, schools and new audiences.
Staff working on the project will be available to talk to people about the current collections and the project. Visitors will also have a unique opportunity to see clips of films relating to the town that have already been donated.
Cllr Roy Miller, Cabinet spokesperson for Place, said: “I am sure people will have lots of interesting footage of beautiful places or interesting events that have taken place around the borough. It would be great to see them restored and included in such an exciting project. We would like to thank the HLF for the funding which will allow people to relive wonderful memories through sound and film.”
For more information about the project please visit