Where would you hide an elephant?
5th November 2021
In Barnsley’s principal towns of course!
You may remember that we wrote about receiving an Arts Council National Lottery Project grant back in July, to enable Elmer the Elephant themed sculptures to be installed in Barnsley’s 6 principal towns.
The sculptures are now in situ and will be there to be discovered until 14th January 2022.
There will also be trails of mini elephants appearing in Goldthorpe and Royston over the next few days, with more to follow in Hoyland and Wombwell.
Artist Charlotte Fairclough will be delivering a textile workshop at Penistone Library on 13th November and is running a project inspired by Elmer and her Penistone elephant at St. John’s Primary school.
In Cudworth, the Barnsley Museums team will be working with a local school and youth project on storytelling and illustration activities inspired by the Cudworth elephant’s appearance on the High Street.
Cllr Tim Cheetham, Cabinet Spokesperson for Place (Regeneration and Culture) said: “Our communities are absolutely brilliant at coming together and being creative to make the places we live more vibrant and exciting. This project will spread joy right across the borough and encourage people to explore and get active in a fun and interesting way. There will be so many ways people can discover the joy of Elmer including the trail, exhibitions, activities and more.”
Barnsley Museums and Heritage Trust were very proud to support Barnsley Museums with this funding application.