Volunteering Success at Barnsley Museums
9th January 2024
Volunteering at Barnsley Museums continues to go from strength to strength, and in the latest Barnsley Museums blog, Programme Development Manager for volunteering, Ben Marsh, shares his view on how Barnsley Museums is doing what it can to keep volunteers engaged.
Volunteering can be an excellent way to combat stress and anxiety, having many positive impacts on mental and physical health and wellbeing. It’s an excellent way to meet new people, learn new skills and provide a sense of community, connecting you with both people and places. Many of the museum volunteers have reported growing feelings of self esteem and confidence and some have gone on to use the skills they have acquired whilst volunteering in further education and employment.
Barnsley Museums and Heritage Trust recognises the many benefits of volunteering to our community, and we help to source funding opportunities for volunteering projects whenever we can.
Recent successes have seen the development of a digital volunteering programme allowing people to volunteer from as far away as Romania, Australia and the USA; the recruitment of volunteers to Cannon Hall Museum to help tell the story of the house; and students from Barnsley College helping to steward the very successful Parkway film shows as part of the Know Your Neighbourhood project. You can read Ben’s blog here Volunteering at Barnsley Museums in 2023 – Barnsley Museums Blogsite (art.blog) and if you are interested in what volunteering at Barnsley Museums could do for you, please get in touch at museumvolunteering@barnsley.gov.uk