Share Precious Memories of Cannon Hall
10th March 2021
Cannon Hall Museum, Park and Gardens, one of Yorkshire’s favourite visitor destinations for over 60 years, is asking people to share their memories of visits, happy times, favourite places and events they remember, so the Hall can share them with future generations.
They’re asking people to share stories and memories about special times spent there and who with, the first visits they can remember, any links with the Polish Camp created in the 1940s, memories of fairyland and other places in the parkland, and anything else people would like to share about visits to the Hall – whether they’re from nearby or far away, and from decades ago to recent times.
The collection of these memories is linked to the completion of the £3.8million Parks for People project, which is seeing the parklands restored to their Georgian splendour. A selection of the memories gathered will be shared on creative installations in the hall’s Georgian pleasure grounds.
All responses will be collected and become an important new addition to the Spencer Stanhope Collection. Looked after by Barnsley Archives, the collection of documents, maps and correspondence chart the history of Cannon Hall back to medieval times. Memories shared now will be available to local people and researchers for centuries to come.
The Parks for People project, which has been made possible through the generosity of the National Lottery Heritage Fund and its players, will be complete in early summer and will see amazing new additions to the parklands, beautifully restored buildings and features, and new experiences including a family woodland trail and boats on the lakes.
Precious memories can be shared on the Cannon Hall Museum, park and gardens social media pages @Cannon Hall or by emailed
Cllr Tim Cheetham, Cabinet Spokesperson for Place (Regeneration and Culture) said:
“Cannon Hall Museum, Park and Gardens is a real gem in the Yorkshire landscape, and we are so lucky to have it right here on our doorstep. Over recent months it has been vitally important as a safe space for people to relax and reflect surrounded by the beauty of nature. People have so many fond memories of the place, of times they have spent there with loved ones and we really want to be able to capture them and represent them in the parklands new and exciting future. The completion of the Parks for People project which is just months away will really enhance the visitor experience offering even more opportunities to make treasured memories.”
For more information about the project visit