Heritage Skill of Hedge Laying at Wentworth Castle Gardens
10th December 2024
A Master craftsman recently spent two days with our Ranger team in the parkland. Jaspar came to pass on his knowledge of the traditional skill of hedge laying. The Ranger team and their volunteers have now acquired a sufficient level of skill to continue the work and to consolidate this training during the winter months.
Twenty-five metres of hedgerow have been completed but there is more than 200 metres still to tackle! The work achieved over the two training days has opened up a fantastic vista down South Avenue.
Viewed from the opposite direction it has made the field at the bottom, known as the ‘horseshoe’ field, visible to visitors. This field is also subject to a return to more traditional methods of management. It will be sown with a flower rich meadow grass mix to provide a nectar rich habitat that supports wildlife. The Brimstone butterfly, regularly sighted in the parkland, is one creature that will benefit from this improved nectar source.
Why not join the Winter Woolly jumper walk between now and the end of January and you are likely to catch ‘hedge-laying’ in action. At the very least you will be able to clearly see the ‘before’ and ‘after’ of this traditional way of rejuvenating a hedge. The Woolly Jumper walk is downloadable from the website www.nationaltrust.org.uk/visit/yorkshire/wentworth-castle-gardens or collect a paper copy form the Visitor reception.