Hear My Voice competition sees local poets published
24th May 2021
Forty local poets have had their work published as part of the Hear My Voice 2020 competition and will be featured alongside a new poem by Barnsley’s Poet Laureate, Eloise Unerman and seven sonnets by Ian McMIllan in a moving anthology.
The poems were selected by Ian and Eloise from 129 submissions to the competition, which asked for people responses to the Covid-19 crisis. The competition which ran over many months encouraged people to express their thoughts and feelings about these unprecedented times through the written word.
The competition was open to everyone living in the borough of Barnsley, with entries in three age categories: children under twelve; young people aged twelve – eighteen and adults (over 18)
The competition was run by Barnsley Museums, as part of the Hear My Voice Programme which encourages expression through poetry and spoken word. The new publication was produced as a companion volume to compliment Ian McMillan’s Poet in Lockdown book.
The Hear My Voice 2020 anthology and Ian McMillan’s Poet in Lockdown book are both on sale in Barnsley Museums’ shops now and any money raised will help support the work of the museums.
Eloise Unerman, Barnsley’s poet laureate said: “Ian and I were really impressed by the quality of the submissions. These words mark the challenges we’ve endured, voices refusing to be forgotten or unheard and remind us how creativity can carry us through the most difficult of times. This anthology will stand as a legacy of the Covid crisis for future generations to better understand its emotional impact on the people of Barnsley.”
Cllr Tim Cheetham, Cabinet Spokesperson for Place (Regeneration and Culture) said: “It is fantastic to see how this competition has inspired people in Barnsley to have their experience of the current crisis heard. The competition anthology will provide a record to help future generations understand what it meant to be living in Barnsley through the Covid-19 crisis and provides a fitting companion volume to the publication of Ian McMillan’s Lockdown Sonnets.”
The Hear My Voice 2020 anthology costs £4 and Ian McMillan’s Poet in Lockdown book costs £8 or both books can be purchased for a £10 donation to Barnsley Museums and Heritage Trust online at: https://cafdonate.cafonline.org/4704#!/DonationDetails#%2FDonationDetails