Cooper Gallery Prize 2023
9th March 2023
It’s almost time to submit your works of art to enter the biennial Cooper Prize competition. The previous competition was largely conducted on-line due to restrictions during the pandemic, so it will be wonderful to return to its more traditional format.
The Cooper Prize, formerly known as South Yorkshire Open Art Competition, is open to artists who are born, live or work in South Yorkshire and aims to reward and celebrate excellence and originality in mixed media.
Artists are invited to submit up to 3 pieces of artwork, whether it be abstract, figurative, contemporary or traditional where the very best will be selected to form part of an exhibition at Cooper Gallery, Barnsley.
The competition is open to professional, amateur or student artists.
The Cooper Prize – Main Prize
- £1000
- Solo Exhibition in Sadler Room 2024
- Main gallery group exhibition with Cooper Prize Finalists
The Sadler Award – Emerging Artist
Open to any student or graduate that has graduated within the past 2 years
- £500 Sponsored by the Mayor of Barnsley
- Main gallery group exhibition with Cooper Prize Finalists
Including the Barnsley College Special Award for Originality and Skills
Judged by Liz Leek
- £100
The Fox Gift – Artists under 16, Free to enter
Under 16s category
- £100 vouchers to spend on Artist Materials
- Main gallery group exhibition with Cooper Prize Finalists
Peoples Choice – sponsored by Barnsley Museums & Heritage Trust
- Certificate
- Hamper of artists supplies
Throughout the exhibition there will be a chance for visitors to vote for their favourite piece and the artist with the most votes will win the People’s Choice Award.
Submissions are open from Saturday, 25 March and close on Tuesday, 29 August.
Visit after 25th March for details of how to submit your entry.
The winner of the Cooper Prize 2021, Kieran Ingram, is currently exhibiting his works in the Sadler Room at the gallery until 15th April, as part of his award.