Conservation of Chandeliers at Cannon Hall
9th March 2023
As part of the ongoing conservation programme at Cannon Hall Museum, Barnsley Museums are undertaking the rewiring and cleaning of some of the chandeliers, a project that Barnsley Museums and Heritage Trust has been happy to support with funding.
Most of the chandeliers were bought in the 1960s and 1970s whilst the Hall was being fitted out as a museum. The earliest chandelier is the one in the Dining Room which dates to the 1770s and was made by William Parker, the foremost chandelier manufacturer of the late 18th century who was based in Fleet Street London. He provided aristocratic, noble, and royal houses with fine glass chandeliers and also specialized in manufacturing glass for scientific instruments.
Two other chandeliers date from the early 19th century and are in the popular style of the Regency period.
The work will be undertaken by Brotheridge Chandeliers who are specialists in this type of work and will start on Monday 20th March. It is anticipated that it will continue for between two and three weeks. The work will be arranged to keep disruption for visitors to a minimum but there may be occasional, individual room closures on the ground floor of the Museum. If you are coming to see something specific, please do contact Cannon Hall in advance to confirm the area can be accessed.
We hope that visitors will be interested to see how their donations support the conservation and upkeep of Barnsley’s culture.
Cannon Hall Museum will remain open 11.00am-4.00pm Thursday to Sunday as usual throughout March.