Conservation Corner
16th November 2023
Barnsley Museums and Heritage Trust have supported a number of conservation projects at Cannon Hall Museum over the last few months.
The latest item to be returned after conservation is a cocuswood cabinet dating to the 1670s. Cabinets on stands like this were very popular in the 17th century. The piece contains a series of different size drawers and compartments which would have been used for storing collections of interesting objects. These might have included gems, natural curiosities and art objects. They would normally be locked to keep the contents safe.
The carcass of the cabinet is veneered with cocuswood, which was imported mainly from Jamaica and Cuba and primarily used in furniture making from about 1660-1690. The variety in the colour of the wood means that it can be cut to create interesting and striking patterns such as the ovals formed by cutting through the trunk as shown on this cabinet.
Over the years the veneers, which are traditionally glued down, have become loose and work has been carried out to secure them to prevent any losses of the wood. The cabinet is now back on display in the drawing room at Cannon Hall.
We would like to thank all our supporters who help us to ensure wonderful pieces like this are conserved for the enjoyment of future generations.
To learn more about the furniture collection at Cannon Hall visit the website.