Barnsley Cares project supports people in the care sector
12th February 2019
The ‘Barnsley Cares’ project run by Barnsley Museums aims to connect more people with their heritage out in the community.
As an Arts Council England National Portfolio Organisation, Barnsley Museums is able to use funding to take its collections out to more people who might not get a chance to visit one of the museum sites.
Over the last few months pop-up museums have appeared in various locations in the district, including at Barnsley College, Barnsley Hospital Outpatients, King Street Community Centre, Cudworth Fire Station, Hoylandswaine WI and Churchfield’s Residential Home, among others. Behind the scenes the service is working to consolidate its offer, developing creative displays and an accessible handling collection for these sessions.
The project is benefiting people in care settings who have the opportunity to handle objects, reminisce and take part in wellbeing sessions linked to the collections.
Here’s some feedback from carers and people with dementia attending the King St. Community Centre Group in Barnsley:
‘If you feel lousy it doesn’t matter, I come to this group and I can be myself here’ – Hazel
‘I love going back I time and reminiscing’ – I like that! – Janet
‘Just don’t stop coming to visit us! We’ve done almost everything’ – Jim
Your continued support will help us to acquire new objects and continue our work in this area.