Barnsley Bright Nights
10th November 2022
Thursday 24 to Saturday 26 November, 5pm to 8.30pm
Bright Nights returns to Barnsley town centre this month – with three nights of FREE illuminating events and activities to enjoy.
It all starts with the Christmas Lights Switch-On in the Glass Works Square featuring a fabulous music and pyrotechnic show from The Lips.
Follow the Light Art Trail at venues across the town centre over all three nights of the festival. Discover the spectacular Luma at Barnsley College, the stunning Brains in a Dish at Cooper Gallery and much more.
Saturday sees the welcome return of the big Bright Nights Parade. It features a host of community groups journeying from The Civic to The Glass Works for a fantastic finale.
Thursday 24th November
Join us as Barnsley Bright Nights kicks off with the traditional Christmas Lights Switch-On.
See the two giant LED Christmas trees and lights in The Glass Works Square come to life… before a special show from The Lips – a luminous outdoor singalong with a sprinkling of festive hits.
Look out for illuminated winter wonderland birds, energetic bouncing elves and elegant light belles before exploring the illuminated light trail across the town centre.
Location: The Glass Works Square, May Day Green, S70 1GW
Date and time: Thursday 24 November, 6pm with performances by The Lips at 6pm and 8pm
Saturday 26th November
Catch the colourful parade as it weaves through the town centre for the Barnsley Bright Nights finale.
Look out for the futuristic robot drummers from Global Grooves, a travelling giant compact disco glitterball and the crazy Granny Turismo Chrismo shopping trolley display team.
Discover new illuminated creations from community groups from across Barnsley, including a giant Eldon Street beast and This is Tomorrow banners inspired by the current Jeremy Deller exhibition at Barnsley Civic.
The parade starts at Mandela Gardens/The Civic before weaving its way down Eldon Street and Cheapside before reaching the Glass Works Square for the big finale.
Location: Mandela Gardens to The Glass Works Square
Date and time: Saturday 26 November, parade starts at 6pm
In between the opening and closing of Bright Nights, there will be a multitude of fabulous events to enjoy including a Christmas Tree Festival at St Mary’s Church, Luma the 9m long inflatable robot snail at Barnsley College and a unique UV light installation by James Brunt in the Library at the Lightbox.
Additionally, Barnsley Museums will be hosting events in their spaces in the town centre and at Elsecar Heritage Centre.
Brains in a Dish Workshops
Discover a series of light-based sculptures and projections that aim to illuminate our understandings of the brain.
Inspired by the pioneering dementia research of Barnsley born Professor Selina Wray, artist Charlie Murphy uses glass, robotic lights and digital tools to create a series of playful works.
Meet the artist and experiment with light and colour on opening night (Thursday 24 November, 5pm to 8pm only).
Location: Cooper Gallery, Church Street, S70 2AH
Date and time: Thursday 24, Friday 25 and Saturday 26 November, 5pm to 8.30pm
Chromatic Woodland
Get hands-on with nature with this unique 270 degree, three-wall animated projection specially created for Barnsley Bright Nights.
Featuring augmented reality and interactive audio, Chromatic Woodland uses characters and habitats inspired by nature to create a fun experience for anyone with a sense of adventure.
Location: Barnsley Museums Digital, The Glass Works, Cheapside, S70 1GW
Date and time: Thursday 24, Friday 25 and Saturday 26 November, 5pm to 8.30pm
Explore the Brick-by-Brick exhibition by night, with stunning Lego artworks by 18 artists, designers and photographers on display.
Get hands-on with a Lego graffiti wall, build tables and a selection of Lego related games.
Then create a mini ‘stained glass’ window with artists Brick Box using transparent Lego to form part of a large-scale illuminated artwork.
Location: Gallery @ The Glass Works and Barnsley Museums @ The Glass Works,
Cheapside, S70 1GW
Date and time: Thursday 24, Friday 25 and Saturday 26 November, 4pm to 8.30pm
Hot Glass Workshops and Demos
Learn about the art of glass blowing and make your own glass ‘Selina’ cell with specialists ‘Mini-Melt’ as part of the Brains in a Dish activities.
Places are limited and booking is essential. Book your place on the Hot Glass Workshops.
Location: Elsecar Heritage Centre, Wath Road, Elsecar, S74 8HJ
Date and time: Friday 25 November and Saturday 26 November. See website for times.
For more information about these and any of the other Bright Nights events, please visit Events (